Reblog: A slice from Evelyne’s life, executive assistant in a hospital specializing in cardiology

In my work, I interact with many institutions in the health sector. I meet and have discussions with people who handle a great deal of medical information. I take the time to learn about their daily lives. I enjoy it when they share their experiences and stories with me. [row][column lg=”6″ md=”12″ sm=”12″ xs=”12″ ][thumbnail…

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Reblog: Why IT professionals in education are adopting Fax-Over-IP technology

Educational institutions, from primary schools to universities, send and receive important and confidential documents, ranging from purchase orders, school registrations and student records. School districts and universities have centralized and localized administrative departments that handle accounting, purchasing, financial and student information for their entire organization. This means that large volumes of highly sensitive data are…

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